Good Vibrations: Essential Oils, Positive Affirmations, & Music Therapy
Good Vibrations: Essential Oils, Positive Affirmations, & Music Therapy
Bergamot essential oil & I am Forgiving Myself for Waiting to be Happy … I Choose to Dwell on Peaceful Thoughts
By LivingTheWholesomeLife.com
Week 12 Day 3 - Today's affirmation is "I am Forgiving Myself for Waiting to be Happy . . . I Choose to Dwell on Peaceful Thoughts."
Today we talk about how complimenting ourselves and loving on ourselves helps us stay peaceful and loving towards others. I forgot to mention that starting and ending each day with prayer can bring a power that can help you stay peaceful and loving.
My songs for Peace are "Peace, Peace, Peace" & "It is Well with My Soul".
We dive deeply into the emotional gifts of Bergamot essential oil.
This week, to support our peaceful growth journey, we are diffusing diffusing 2 drops each of Bergamot (The Oil of Self-Acceptance), Helichrysum (The Oil of Pain) and Juniper Berry (The Oil of the Night & the Unknown).
As always if you want to get the oils, talk to your favorite doTERRA essential oil friend or you can order from me by clicking the link here: https://doterra.me/oSCHSFbz
If you have questions or comments, feel free to email us at info@livingthewholesomelife.com
The song used in the intro and outro is Be Inspired by Keys of Moon via Creative Commons License. Go to https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon/be-inspired-inspiring-epic-free-download to hear the full song.