Good Vibrations: Essential Oils, Positive Affirmations, & Music Therapy

Myrrh, Spikenard, Wild Orange essential oils & Everything is Working Out Well for Me ... I am Nurturing Myself and All Those Around Me

Suzanne Williams Season 1 Episode 90

Week 18 Day 5 - Today's affirmation is "Everything is Working Out Well for Me . . . I am Nurturing Myself and All Those Around Me."

Today we talk about how virtues, like anything else in our lives, don't just show up. We have to work to develop them. Our song for the week is "Loving Life".

This week we Diffusing a Blend of 2 drops each of Myrrh (The Oil of Mothering and Nurturing), Spikenard (The Oil of Gratitude) and Wild Orange (The Oil of a Abundance) and today we delve into some of the top physical uses of them.

As always if you want to get the oils, talk to your favorite doTERRA essential oil friend or you can order from me by clicking the link here:

If you have questions or comments, feel free to email us at

The song used in the intro and outro is Be Inspired by Keys of Moon via Creative Commons License. Go to to hear the full song.