Good Vibrations: Essential Oils, Positive Affirmations, & Music Therapy

Bergamot, Black Pepper, Lemon essential oils & My Creativity is Flowing Consistently … I Have All the Time that I Need

Season 1 Episode 25

Week 5 Day 5 - Today's affirmation is My Creativity is Flowing Consistently . . . I Have All the Time that I Need.

I believe that if we are wise with our time that we will have all the time that we need to do what we need to do. What are you beliefs about time? Do you have an abundance of time or a lack of time. Can that be changed or helped? We talk about a few of the ways that Bergamot, Black Pepper, and Lemon Essential Oils can help support your body physically. I think you'll love what they can do!

This week we are diffusing 2 drops Bergamot (The Oil of Self Acceptance), Black Pepper (The Oil of Unmasking) and Lemon (The Oil of Focus).

As always if you want to get the oils, talk to your favorite doTERRA essential oil friend or you can click the link here:

If you have questions or comments, feel free to email us at  

The song used in the intro and outro is Be Inspired by Keys of Moon via Creative Commons License. Go to to hear the full song.